Holidays on Lake Maggiore and Lake Orta
Tourism on Lake Maggiore
and on Lake Orta
The ideal location to discover the beauties of lakes and mountains
The Altana del Motto Rosso farmhouse on the Novara hills a few minutes from Arona and Borgomanero, will allow you to visit the best places on Lake Maggiore and Lake Orta in a day!
La posizione ideale per scoprire i Laghi
Se stai pianificando un weekend sui Laghi d'Orta e Maggiore, per scoprire le Isole Borromee, l'Isola di San Giulio, Stresa e tutte gli altri luoghi di cultura che meritano una visita, soggiornare nel nostro agriturismo ti darà la possibilità sia di vivere una vacanza di relax in mezzo ai boschi sia di raggiungere tutte le location in circa mezz'ora di auto.
Vacanza di tiro con l'Arco con piazzole 3D
Tutti gli Arcieri praticanti, di qualsiasi federazione, godono di un prezzo speciale per il soggiorno e la ristorazione, anche per un breve soggiorno. Potrai utilizzare due percorsi del Centro Arcieristico da 24 e 15 piazzole (forfait per la durata del soggiorno) e del campo di pratica.
Vacanza fotografica sul Lago Maggiore
Sei un fotografo e un appassionato di fotografia?
Soggiornare all'Altana del Motto Rosso ti consentirà di pianificare al meglio gli spostamenti, e raggiungere in pochissimo tempo tutte le tue destinazioni preferite! Inoltre ricorda che soggiornerai in mezzo ai boschi, ricchi di fauna selvatica.
Contact us
For any information regarding our accommodation services and access to the archery center and other recreational activities, please do not hesitate to contact us. We reply within the day!
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Agriturismo Altana del Motto Rosso
In a single holiday... Holiday
In Gattico - Veruno just minutes from Lake Maggiore and Lake Orta
Enjoy a regenerative holiday in the woods less than an hour from Milan
Do you want a relaxing place? Altana del Motto Rosso is definitely a magical and hospitable place.
You can walk in the green, lie on the lawn and admire the sky, and try archery at one of Italy’s best centers.
4.5 stars on TripAdvisor, 9.0 on
Authentic emotions, genuine hospitality
You will find yourself in an atmosphere of “home” while being away from the home walls.
On our farm you can finally catch your breath and regain your balance. We do everything we can to offer you a carefree stay.
One of the best centers for archers in Italy
Archery in the middle of the forest
Passionate archers have at their disposal two courses of 24 and 15 pitches.
Suitable for both experts and beginners, you can enjoy a weekend having fun in contact with nature.
What you'll find at Altana del Motto Rosso?
Check availability for your accommodation
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Vacations on Lake Maggiore and Lake Orta
Tourism on Lake Maggiore
and on Lake Orta
The ideal location for discovering the beauty of lakes and mountains
The Altana del Motto Rosso farmhouse on the hills of Novara, just a few minutes from Arona and Borgomanero, will enable you to visit the best spots on Lake Maggiore and Lake Orta in a single day!
The ideal location for discovering the Lakes
If you're planning a weekend on Lakes Orta and Maggiore, to discover the Borromean Islands, San Giulio Island, Stresa and all the other places of culture that deserve a visit, staying at our farmhouse will give you the opportunity both to enjoy a relaxing vacation in the woods, and to reach all the places in about half an hour by car.
Archery break with 3D course
All practicing archers, whatever their federation, benefit from a special rate for accommodation and meals, even for short stays. You can use two itineraries at the 24- and 15-site Archeristics Center (confiscated for the duration of your stay) and the training ground.
Photographic vacations on Lake Maggiore
Are you a photographer with a passion for photography?
Staying at the Altana del Motto Rosso means you'll be able to plan your trips more efficiently, and reach all your favorite destinations in no time at all! Remember, too, that you'll be staying in the woods, full of wildlife.
Contact us
For any information regarding our accommodation services and access to the archery center and other recreational activities, please do not hesitate to contact us. We reply within the day!
We periodically apply discounts and coupons on our services, stay up to date!
We respect your privacy: we will not give your address to third parties and you can unsubscribe at any time.